Yesterday I spent most of my morning emptying our downstairs toy bins, sorting the contents, returning lost things to their rightful places and discarding broken and mismatched items. I placed some things into a bag for my daughter to go through to decide what she would like to donate, and managed to get all of the trains and tracks happily organized in their own drawers.
I stood back and looked at my work and beamed.
Then my kids got home from school. Dammit.
That was Toys, Day 1. Toys, Day 2 has to wait until tomorrow because today I get to go on a preschool field trip [What a joke that is. I'm expected to drive my child to the site, lose a morning of productivity, AND pay for it. Yay.] The best part is that we will be spending this wintry morning stomping through the woods learning how to tap maple trees.
Did I mention that my son does not like maple syrup? Yes. This will be fun.
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