Monday, January 21, 2013

Despite my personal feelings about the Forty Niners, I am happy for Kevin.

Mostly because it would have been dreadful to live with him for the next week if they had lost.

My kids are not particularly phased by their normally peaceful father screaming obscenities at the television. I mean honestly, he's practically a Buddhist among the chaos of this family until one of his teams is in trouble. I should say that he tries very hard NOT to scream obscenities out loud. It's like watching Bender say "" to Mr. Vernon and knowing that he doesn't mean socks. 

I've started on my closets. Saturday was one of the most satisfying days I've had since I started this project. The closet in Van's room originally held my dressier clothing for work and other events. Over the years it became a bit of a dumping ground. It was a thrill to empty it and sort the things I will never wear again [Oh, Theory pants. I think you and I both know that I'll never squeeze a thigh back into you. Good luck at the Snooty Fox. Someone will love you again.] because my most formal events these days involve being the mystery reader for my daughter's kindergarten class. I think clean yoga pants fit that bill just fine.

The closet now has enough room to store things for my children, which frees up space in their actual rooms. I understand that this is how other people actually use their closets. 

Yesterday I gave myself a day off, so today I resume work in our bedroom. If I'm not out in a week, alert A&E. 

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