In other news, my dog hung herself yesterday.
By a paw, but still. She got herself tangled in a very heavy blanket on the couch while we were out, and was dangling when I found her. One trip to the vet later, Alice is fine. Her foot is sprained, and she'll limp around for a few days, but she will be OK.
In other news, I'm really good at over-reacting. I thought for sure they would have to amputate; I'd have a three legged dog, and we'd have to rename her "Lucky". That dog is a cat. She has survived eating a rock, a boxer attack, accidental ingestion of a nutella sandwich, that time we thought she ate an eraser, and now this. I'm afraid to add them up - how many lives does she have left? Four? Do pugs get extra for being so dumb? [I know, I know. She's my child. I love her. But o.m.g. that dog is not smart.]
At one point the vet said that if the leg was broken they would have to cast her and I could do nothing but laugh. Cast. Sure. Go right ahead.
Today I attack Van's dresser. Long overdue. Also, the only piece of furniture we've gotten at Ikea that makes me crazy. The bottom drawer likes to fall apart, so while it's empty today I'm going to glue the shiz out of it. Then I'm going to put a picture on Pinterest and tell everyone it's made out of pallets I got on Craigslist.
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