I did my first donation run yesterday. It wasn't much, a box of toys that had been already pre-screened for unworthiness by my daughter, and an additional box of children's books that were much loved, but no longer read. It wasn't a lot, but it had to go. I find if I leave things in the house that are headed out for donation, little hands find them and they end up right back where they started.
Today is children's books, day 2. Yes. I know, I probably could have left the boxes in the car until I was done, but the upstairs collection is primarily in Scarlett's room, and because we read those frequently, I know those are mostly going to stay. They just need to be organized on her bookshelf.
Tomorrow starts adult books, day 1. I know, I know, no peeking. But since today is light, I might make a go of accumulating my addiction all in one place to make it easier to sort. My book buying has fallen off steadily in the last few years because of the convenience of electronic readers, and I use the library more for new releases. But parting with my old friends? My moldy old copy of Owen Meany? A beat up Shakespeare anthology with notes in the margins? Impossible. Sophie's choice. I weep.
My back is killing me from all the lifting, but my spirits rise daily as my house is starting to open up. My kitchen is tidy, if not spotless, and the living room slash we-live-in-1600-square-feet-and-do-everything-in-here-who-are-you-kidding room has been denuded of its outdated magazines and catalog piles. The dining room and toy storage facility no longer has a corner that gives me heart palpitations. I no longer walk into those rooms shudder, groan and say "ugh...this HOUSE!"
Of course, my back is also killing me from the contortions I go though twice a week to balance my daughter so she can have a "real" bath, albeit one not in the tub, just next to it. We do get her hair washed, however, and she smells pretty again. That and the lavender oil on her cast do a world of good to the senses. I can cuddle with her again, or rather, cuddle with her top third. It will have to do for now. Last night we laid in bed watching TV, Scarlett on my right arm, Van laying half on top of me to the left. Scarlett laughed and said "You are covered with kids." Yes. I am.
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